
Influence and Persuasion IN MIND

Time and time again, the most commonly cited character trait of highly successful individuals is the ability to influence others and achieve goals. People from all walks of life with a track record of excellence, like Albert Einstein, Tony Robbins, Jordan Belford (a.k.a. “the Wolf of Wall Street”), Henry Ford, Sigmund Freud, Sir Winston Churchill, Napoleon Hill – all of these individuals (to name a few) actively fostered and engaged NLP methods to replicate the science of success in their respective fields.

20 Lessons


Time and time again, the most commonly cited character trait of highly successful individuals is the ability to influence others and achieve goals. People from all walks of life with a track record of excellence, like Albert Einstein, Tony Robbins, Jordan Belford (a.k.a. “the Wolf of Wall Street”), Henry Ford, Sigmund Freud, Sir Winston Churchill, Napoleon Hill – all of these individuals (to name a few) actively fostered and engaged NLP methods to replicate the science of success in their respective fields.

The simple truth is that each and every human being has this potential to unleash these abilities using guided training methods. Methods that show you how to cultivate success and achieve results using language and brain patterns that foster success thinking in yourself and show you how to consistently realize your goals with others.

Learn how to speak directly to peoples subconscious, sort of like subliminal messaging

This science is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and it is the single most powerful technique you will ever encounter on your path towards success. NLP gives you the keys to the kingdom that will help you in virtually every area of your life. From negotiation deals with sellers and closing on creative financing to raising money and enticing private investors, you will draw become a money magnet using these tools.

You will discover how to control your tone to illicit agreement, how to use embedded commands to close deals, how to insinuate without promising and how to ultimately become a master of your own fate.

You Will Learn How to Speak Directly to Peoples Subconscious

As it happens, I have what is called a ‘natural inclination’ for NLP sales tactics. Which just means that I am able to unconsciously tap into the potential that exists within us all and use these skills for my business. And these skills have served me very well throughout my life, they have allowed me to build multi-million dollar business platforms and generate tremendous levels of financial success.

But, a natural inclination for NLP methodology is not as powerful (or stable) as conscious mastery, because without the controlling factor your bursts of success will eventually fizzle out and you will lose it all. A conscious mastery of influence and achievement ability is the result of guided training. It is not a magic force or superhuman trait – it is instead the directed exercise of your mind. This mastery allows you to communicate, negotiate, achieve, influence and ultimately excel. Armed with this mastery, you will achieve your goals with more success than you will know what to do with.

NLP is the obstacle crusher that every high-level entrepreneur, politician, doctor, psychiatrist, marketer and self-help professional actively uses and teaches others to achieve results and realize goals.

Because it works so darn well!

There is more to NLP methodology than the finely tuned ability to influence and persuade others (which should only be applied in an ethical fashion). NLP training also facilitates the conscious cultivation of success with mental tools and exercises. This is singularly the most important aspect of NLP training for the truly success motivated individuals seeking excellence because it is the ultimate powerhouse.

We all know success begins in your mind, NLP shows you how to accelerate that process to interrupt your subconscious negative patterns (a.k.a. “mind terrorists”) and facilitate your success instead. You’ll discover how to negotiate and communicate to entice, influence and persuade for your deals. More importantly, NLP shows you how to continuously duplicate your success with a mastery of these skills to achieve.

So if you would like to sign-up for what is going to be a life-changing event for yourself to “re-program” your brain (no Glen, it’s not going to be fluffy self-improvement!) and more importantly, learn how to understand why people do what they do, and positively influence them by speaking directly to their subconscious minds…


Course Materials

The course material is comprised of live video training and the Influence & Persuasion IN MIND training manual