Le pouvoir de votre intuition – Conference Zenith Casino Lac Lemay

Le pouvoir de votre intuition – Conference Zenith Casino Lac Lemay

Le pouvoir de l’intuition: Comment les dirigeants utilisent l’intuition pour réussir L’intuition est devenue une nécessité dans le monde à fort rythme dans lequel nous vivons. Chaque jour, vous êtes inondé d’informations par le biais des médias sociaux, des tweets, des images, des annonces de radio, des nouvelles, des articles, des courriels et plus encore. […]

Influence and Persuasion IN MIND

Influence and Persuasion IN MIND

Time and time again, the most commonly cited character trait of highly successful individuals is the ability to influence others and achieve goals. People from all walks of life with a track record of excellence, like Albert Einstein, Tony Robbins, Jordan Belford (a.k.a. “the Wolf of Wall Street”), Henry Ford, Sigmund Freud, Sir Winston Churchill, Napoleon Hill – all of these individuals (to name a few) actively fostered and engaged NLP methods to replicate the science of success in their respective fields.

Achievement: Tools for Your MIND

Achievement: Tools for Your MIND

Welcome to the Training Area

Over the course of the next few weeks you will be asked to undergo massive changes in the areas of mindset and reality creation. You will be asked to complete certain tasks that are crucial to aligning your mind to a whole new level of success.

If you have any questions at any time please feel free to ask them via text, email or during your upcoming coaching session.

God Speed,


Intuitive Training

Intuitive Training

Welcome Magician,

In this section you will be able to obtain more information on every senses expecially the 7 Lost Senses. I will be updating this regurlary and so for those of you that have bought my book, my DVD training program or any other related product regarding the 7 Lost Senses you’ll be able to grow and know more about how to develop your intuive and psychic abilities as well as open your mind up to new possibilities and abilities.