Newsletter – May 2015

Greetings Friends!

In the spirit of Mental Health Awareness week, this month is all about fostering your positive outlook to achieve success. Why?

Because a positive mental state is scientifically proven to have a major impact on your success, your productivity and your happiness.

The latest research confirms that your moods impact your productivity, your outlook affects your health and your mental state affects your teams productivity and bottom line. And frankly, it looks like it’s getting harder and harder to maintain a positive mental outlook.

Can you train your mind to facilitate a positive mental outlook and achieve more?


In the last five years, the mind training industry has reached amazing new heights. From 2000 – 2009, there were less than 400 neuro-technological patents filed. That doubled in 2012, and increased in 2014 to 1,600 in the U.S. alone.

The new Obama BRAIN initiative now actively explores and examines the human mind to realize more about how to promote overall health and achievement. Mind training and development is at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific innovation because your mental state affects every aspect of your life – your health, your success, your productivity, and your overall happiness.

As a Neuro-Linguistic Expert, Intuitive Adviser and entrepreneur for more than 2 decades now, I know first-hand how important training your mind truly is to develop focus, build forward momentum and achieve goals. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients to reach incredible success and consistently use proven tactics on myself to succeed. And for the first time, I developed my new Tools for Your Mind™ accelerated training program to break down the process and give you my proven practical steps to effortlessly train your mind and achieve more!

This training is designed with mind development tactics that help you achieve superhuman focus and build a success-driven mental state.  Each of the six modules take you through vital trainings, complete with resource workbook implementation steps so you have everything you need to sharpen your mind and achieve results.

If you’re thinking about launching a new business or looking to find ways to expand, build and grow your current business, then Tools for Your Mind™ training system is the ideal system for you.

With love and peace,




Technique of the Month:
How to Network for Success

As the month takes off, it’s a great time to re-connect with your clients and network. Statistics say we get 80% of business from 20% of our list of clients, so take advantage of social events to have fun and build your business with effective networking. For those of you in career positions, be sure to make time to connect with your colleagues to boost your productivity!

Here are some tips to build rapport and connect when you’re out networking:

  • Make Eye Contact & Smile: People respond to your attitude so be sure to smile and make eye contact.
  • Put Your Smartphone Away: That ‘smartphone-busy’ person impresses no one – show others respect and put your phone away!
  • Listen More Than You Talk: Asking questions that allow others to feel comfortable talking with you is a key component of effective networking.
  • Focus on Helping Others Succeed: Helping others to succeed is a powerful driver because it allows you to genuinely offer valuable services. Only offer your services if you truly believe it will help that person achieve their goals.
  • Follow-Up: Be sure to follow-up with people after a few days with a simple phone call or email to keep the dialogue going and stay connected with your network.
  • Have Fun: Enjoying a work-life balance is all part of a healthy, happy and successful lifestyle – have fun and prosper!

WATCH: New Harvard Research On Success 

Turns out, your outlook and attitude has more impact on your success than your GPA.

The latest Harvard research confirms that your mental state is a key indication of future success. Shawn Achor gave an extremely popular TED Talk on how happiness and success work together.  Check it out here to find out how you can have fun and be successful, right in time for your summer networking: Click here


Did You Know?

The Link Between Genius and Mental Illness

 For years, many scholars argued that mental illness is not an inherent weakness; but rather many strengths accompany mental illness. Many great leaders, visionaries and highly successful entrepreneurs with mental illness continue to make important contributions to business, politics, art and literature and enrich our lives. From Steve Jobs and his Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) and Donald Trump with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to best-selling author of all time J.K. Rowling’s depression, Oprah Winfrey’s Anxiety Disorder or the boy with autism, whose IQ blows Einstein out of the water, it seems that greatness is often touched by madness. Here’s a list of just a few iconic role models who have made important contributions while living with mental illness:

  • Oprah Winfrey (anxiety disorder)
  • Jim Carey (bi-polar disorder)
  • Harrison Ford (depression)
  • Donald Trump (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  • Steve Jobs (obsessive compulsive personality disorder)
  • J.K. Rowling (depression)
  • Jacob Barnett (autism)

Remember: mental illness does not define any limits (more role models here)! Many mentally ill people have and continue to enrich our lives tremendously, learning how to cope with difficulties and harness originality. Mental health is not about ‘perfection’ but rather about recognizing strengths and weaknesses and opportunity with a creative approach.


“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”
 ― Friedrich Nietzsche